Thursday, June 26, 2014

The Choice

For millions of years, the world had been uninhabited. Until, nearly 6000 years ago.

The earth had been created. A garden was planted, filled with every tree and plant that beautiful and produced delicious food. Every flower, plant and fruit!

In the middle of the garden, there stood the Tree of Life, and also the tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.

Out of this garden, four branches of rivers flowed, which were the Pishon, Gishon, Tigris and Euphrates. These rivers divided the lands which were covered with gold, precious stones and every valuable thing that the world had ever known.

This was, the Garden of Eden, created by God, as the home for mankind.

Out there in a corner, God carried the man and placed him on the ground. “Oh, my God! Where on earth am I?” the man asked as he looked around in amazement. "Is this... hhhhmmmmm… Heaven?” 
 (If we were to say “Oh, my God! today”  there is not going to be response from the sky!)

But it was different for that man. God was the only friend, this man had! And God answered him.

“Adam – this the Garden of Eden……where you will live, to work and tend this place.” God replied.

“Oh, cool!” replied Adam, walking around stark naked, never even knowing the meaning of CLOTHES!

Although he was naked, there was not even a tinge of embarrassment.

But remember this – God said, interrupting his excitement: “You can freely eat the fruit of any tree in the garden – except the tree of knowledge of good and evil. If you eat it, you will surely die.”

"Remember – this is your FORBIDDEN FRUIT."  

“That’s wayyyyyy toooo easy..….I already have all kinds of fruits to eat. Why would I even want to try that fruit?” Do you think I’ll go hungry…of course not!...Do I really need that rule? I won’t even think of eating that fruit!" Adam kept going on and on, like a teenager nagging over his curfew.

Just at that moment, Adam started feel sleepy and dozed off. It was as if God had injected tranquilizers into him.  

“It is not good for man to be alone. I’ll give him a helper.” God laughed as he took a rib out of the sedated Adam.

Out of Adam’s ribs, a woman was made.

When Adam woke up, it was the most exciting day of his life! Finally, another human being! He had a wife!

Eve was her name.

Days, weeks and months passed. Adam and Eve had the most blissful life, you and I could never imagine. They tended the garden and named every animal and creature on the land. Things were just too beautiful and perfect, to be true.

But the snake was just about to mess things up.

The snake was the shrewdest of all the wild animals the Lord God had made. One day he asked the woman, “Did God really say you must not eat the fruit from any of the trees in the garden?” 

“Of course we may eat fruit from the trees in the garden,” the woman replied. “It’s only the fruit from the tree in the middle of the garden that we are not allowed to eat. God said: You must not eat it or even touch it; if you do, you will die.’”  

“You won’t die!” the serpent replied to the woman. “God knows that your eyes will be opened as soon as you eat it, and you will be like God, knowing both good and evil.” 

THIS WAS THE FIRST TIME IN CREATION, where the man and woman had to make serious CHOICE in their life.

It was that moment in time, that could change the entire history of mankind. It was a CHOICE that had GREAT CONSEQUENCES to pay; to try or to die.

Seconds ticked, as the woman looked at the fruit. It was beautiful to see and behold. “How would it taste like, I wonder?”  

See, Adam…’s just a fruit…Can’t be so bad just to take a bite…and we won’t die……we will become all knowing, just like God!” Eve told her husband.  

“But God said…..we will die….and we already have every other fruit to eat…” Adam tried to protest.

“Come on….don’t be such a spoilsport…..we’ve been good all this while….It won’t hurt to be a little naughty…just today…just to try one bite….just this once….never again….”

Eve took a bite into the fruit, and handed it to Adam. Unable to control his curiosity, Adam took a bite too.

THEY HAD MADE THEIR CHOICE, to break God’s rule…to try the FORBIDDEN FRUIT.

At that moment, both their eyes were opened. The serpent was right! They knew they were naked, and they were ashamed! They ran and hid themselves.

They knew that things would never be the same. Their CHOICE came with a great PRICE. 

From that day, Adam and Eve were banned from that beautiful garden which was filled with everything they had ever needed.

God cursed him to work hard to live, and Eve to suffer terrible labour in giving birth – FOR THE REST OF THEIR LIFE, and everybody’s lives!

One simple CHOICE, to leave every good thing behind and take just one bite from the forbidden fruit – just to try!

They DIED to their innocence, and the great life that was given freely to them….the after effect was passed down to their children, and children’s children.

THEY HAD EVERYTHING, but lost it all, just because of ONE CHOICE.

In life, all of us are faced with that CHOICE to make.

All of us will encounter chance to see that FORBIDDEN in front of us - just like Adam and Even in the Garden of Eden.

That beautiful and attractive thing which makes us curious to try….just once, never again…..just for a little fun….just to KNOW.

For a child, that fruit may be the feeling to be free and go out alone – which can get him kidnapped.

For a teenager, that fruit may come in the form of drugs, alcohol and sex – which can ruin his life forever.

For a married man, it may be a beautiful woman who is not his wife, who will break his family.

For a single woman, it may be sweet words from a married man – which could steal her innocence and break her heart.

For an employee, it may be temptation to take an offered bribe, which could send him to jail.

There will always be that feeling “just try, just feel, just know, just once…..”

We are all given that CHOICE at one point or another……..that FREEDOM to have all the fruits, except the THAT one.

Do you really need to know? Do you really need to try? Do you really want to break the rule, and try THAT FRUIT?

What will be your CHOICE?

Sunday, February 12, 2012

The '5 Idiots'

Some years back, there was a famous Bollywood movie called the ‘3 Idiots’. It was a very meaningful & inspiring movie.

But today, I want to write about ‘5 Idiots’ from the Bible.

(Read Genesis 5-10)

In a dry and sunny land, God instructed Noah to build a huge boat. Everyone who passed by thought Noah was a complete idiot! Why would a man build an ark when there’s no sign of rain or even a flood?

He worked so hard to build the ark, while everyone who passed by called him a mad man!
Not only that, he also brought in all the species of animals, 2 by 2, to save them in the ark. He even warned people about the flood, and asked them to believe!

Nobody believed him!

If your neighbour started building an ark during a draught, you would think he’s an idiot or lunatic too, wouldn’t you?

But guess what? In the end, the Flood really came. Everyone else died. Only Noah & his family were saved!

Who are the idiots now?

(Read Joshua 1-6 in the Bible)

Can you imagine an army going for war? Instead of using weapons, they go around blowing horns around the walls in the city of Jericho!

That’s exactly what God asked Joshua to do.

So, Joshua instructed his army to do according to what the LORD said. They did it for 6 days; their enemies & those watching, must have thought, “Their leader, Joshua is a complete idiot!”

But on the 7th day, the walls of Jericho collapsed by the effect of the loud sounds! Joshua & his army easily marched right in!

Who are the idiots now?

(Read Daniel 3 in the Bible)

These 3 men worked for the King in Babylon. They believed the Lord and followed God’s commandments. One day, the King created a golden statue & made it a rule for everyone to bow down & worship the statue as God. If they refused, they will be punished and thrown into the fire!

At that time, these 3 men refused to bow down to worship the statue as God. They said, they will worship the Lord only! They were willing to be thrown into the fire to die!

Everyone around them would have said, “What idiots! Why do they want to die just because of this? Can’t they pretend & bow down for courtesy sake?”

The King threw them into the fire! But these 3 men did not die!

Instead, the soldiers who threw them in died! Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were protected by God, even inside the burning fire!

They came out alive! – until the King himself made a new rule to punish anyone who said anything bad about these 3 men’s God!

Who are the idiots now?


When you follow God’s instructions, you might look like an idiot to the world.

People might make fun of you, or think you are stupid – but GOD will NEVER PUT YOU TO SHAME.

It’s ok to be an IDIOT for GOD, because GOD ALWAYS WINS, IN THE END.


BE BRAVE to be the only one standing out. BE PROUD to be the minority.

In the end, you can look at the whole world and say, “Who are the idiots now?”

Romans 10:11 (The Bible)
For the Scripture says, “Everyone who believes in him (the LORD) will not be put to shame.”

Monday, January 16, 2012

A Poem: You Can Tame a Tiger

Once I had a dream,
I was walking by a field,
Everybody screamed and scrambled,
When a tiger toddled in,
Some ran to grab their weapons,
Some got ready to shoot and kill,
But I remained where I was standing,
Amazed by the beautiful predator,
Approaching still.

“Would you let me touch you?”
“I mean you no harm,”
“You won’t hurt me, would you?”
“You will listen to your Master's command.”

My eyes sent him the message,
I meant what I said,
He lifted his paw as if to greet me,
As I gently stroked his head,
He lowered his body to reach me,
Rubbed his face as if to kiss me,
And I climbed onto his back,
We rode across the people,
Staring at us wide-eyed,
How a girl could tame a tiger,
Become his friend instead.

I woke up with an unexplainable feeling,
What the beautiful scene!
Could there be a deeper message,
What does it really mean?

If you can overcome fear and face the predator,
You surely are as brave as a warrior.
If you can withhold your fist & avoid a fight,
It means you know how to handle power.

If you can admit mistakes and say sorry,
Your humility will definately bring you glory.
If you can forgive even before they apologize,
It means your heart is way bigger than your size.

If you can be quiet when your soul’s ablaze,
You certainly have admirable grace.
If you can speak with kindness against feelings of hate,
You’re a man who can use both your heart & head.

If you can love your enemy,
And the ones who could hurt you,
Can become closer than a brother,
Even if you can't capture an entire city,
But you can control your temper,
Then, my friend,
You can tame a tiger.


Proverbs 16:32 (The Bible)
Better a patient man than a warrior, a man who controls his temper than one who takes a city.

A Poem : Can You Really Trust People?

Good moments in life are plenty,

That’s when the smiles are many,

People joke, chat and laugh,

But can you really trust any?

Do you know what they’re thinking?

Are they really happy for you within?

When they shake your hands and wish you all the best,

Is the look in their eyes real?

Can you really trust people?

Times of trouble are no less,

You get worried when you see the mess,

People come and offer you help,

But are they genuine?

Do they have a motive secretly kept?

When they pat your back and tell you all is at rest,

Is this the solution that will make you stable?

Can you really trust people?

When you need a favour,

When you look for men in high places,

You see their position, money or power,

You think this is your answer,

But will they always assist?

What if there’s something that you miss?

Is there something they’ll want in return?

To pay the price, are you even able?

Can you really trust people?

What if they promise to deliver,

And then they back out in the final hour,

If their health deteriorates,

Or if they even die,

Can you hold their breath?

The future is already set,

Even if at the moment,

They seem fit and able,

One day they might let go,

Who will help you then?

Must you hold on to their hand?

Can you really trust people?

The Kings & men in the Book of old,

In the Bible they already told,

The lessons they learned,

The pains foretold,

In strategic wars,

Family and friendship,

You cannot even trust the closest kinship,

When everything is gone,

You can see it’s very simple.

The truth is plain and clear,

You cannot really trust people.

People may promise and walk away,

Brothers may cheat and prevail,

Friends may be there one day,

Then you realize it’s just a game people play,

But the Lord is different,

He's not like humans,

He will hold your hand,

God will never fail.

At the right moment, time and place,

When you feel you’ve lost your face,

When things appear impossible,

When all hope for the future totally disappears,

The Lord will send acquaintances or strangers,

Men and women from the least expected places,

They’ll help you with a heart that’s sincere,

To show you unprecedented favour,

Even if things take an unfortunate turn,

In an instant He can change the whole situation,

When you realize,

And keep the faith,

That you cannot really trust people,

But you can always trust Jesus.


Psalm 118: 8-9

8 It is better to take refuge in the LORD
than to trust in people.
9 It is better to take refuge in the LORD
than to trust in princes.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

A Poem : Just Tell Them the Truth

If someone sent you a message,
If someone gave you a call,
If someone asked you a question,
Whether it was urgent or not,
Would you just read without replying?
Would you just listen without talking?
Would you be asked without answering?
Would you pretend it was nothing?
As if the other person was just a wall.
If your answer is “Yes”,
Say it clearly,
Then people can be sure that you’re ready,
If you want to say “No,”
Make sure you let them know,
At least they can find other alternatives,
Instead of living on a sedative,
If you can’t give an immediate answer,
If you need time to think better,
Just tell them the truth,
It’s the respectable thing to do,
Don’t make promises you know you can’t keep,
Don’t just give offers to achieve your selfish means,
If you’ve given your word with good intentions,
But later on realized you can’t fulfil the requirements,
Just tell them the truth,
It’s the responsible thing to do,
Never just be quiet,
And keep others waiting,
Never just be silent,
And leave them hanging,
Never just ignore it,
Hoping they’ll somehow get it,
How would you feel,
If they did that to you?

Jesus said in Matthew 5:37:
Just say a simple, 'Yes, I will,' or 'No, I won't.' Anything beyond this is from the evil one.

A Poem: You’re Not the Devil, Just a Man

Do you realize you’re not the Devil?
Do you know you’re just a man?
Can’t you see you’ve been enslaved,
To carry out the Devil’s plan.

The world may like your charm & money,
Sex & drinks may be like ice-cream with honey,
Women may fall for the offers you throw,
But your heart longs for more than this show.

You take great pride in being somebody,
It’s nice that your acquaintances are many,
Important people sit & chat with you,
But you know that true friends who love you are few.

People look at your performance,
And the game that you cleverly play,
But God looks into your heart,
At the man you really are.

Do you see your sins are many?
They’re innumerable as sand,
But they’ll never be too many,
To be washed away by the Man.

Do you know that Jesus loves you?
Do you know that He died for you?
Do you know that His blood already bought you,
From the Devil, you thought, was you!

You belong to the Kingdom of Heaven,
Where God truly loves you,
The Devil is trying to trap you,
But that’s exactly why I feel I need to tell you.

Would you like to be forgiven?
Would you like to start anew?
Be a free man, my dear friend,
This is God’s offer to you.

Just ask Jesus to forgive you,
And you’ll become brand new!
You’re not the Devil – you’re just a man,
Sincere words from a humble friend.


John 3:16
For God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son (Jesus Christ), so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

“Away from me, Satan!”

As long as we live on this planet, we will face challenges and temptations. Some challenges make us angry. Others make us upset. Some bring us really down, while others offer a 'screen-saver' dream beyond our imagination.

It's important for us to know, which is the test from the Devil, and which is the opportunity from God. Sometimes, it's very difficult to differentiate. The Devil will always intercept, at any moment, using things which appear very good and noble. That's why we need to pray & continually ask God for direction.

One point to remember : God is NOT the one testing you. It’s the Devil who does all the tempting!

Even Jesus himself was tempted!

The greater your FAITH, the greater your challenge and tests!

When situations or people in your life, bring temptations and troubles – don’t be angry with the people! It’s NOT them! It’s the DEVIL!

A spiritual war is going on. The Devil (powers of darkness) are using people & situations to tempt you.

Those people who tempt you are just weak puppets who are being used by the Devil, to carry out the mastermind plan.

Let’s look at how temptations come, and how the Man Himself handled it, with the real spiritual Devil.

Matthew 4:1-11

Jesus Is Tested in the Wilderness

1 Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted[a] by the devil.

2 After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry.

3 The tempter came to him and said, “If you are the Son of God, tell these stones to become bread.”

How the Devil tempts? – The Devil looks for something you need, & then offers it with an evil motive. He makes you think it's your right to fulfill that need. The Devil knows your weakness and will use it. He will make you think it's your right to take the solution. But his purpose is evil. The Devil knew Jesus was hungry, because he was fasting. So, He tempted Jesus to turn the stone into bread.

4 Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’[b]”

How Jesus overcame? – Using the Word (God). Jesus tells the Devil, he doesn’t just survive on physical food, so he doesn’t need the food, even when He has the power to turn stones into bread. Jesus is telling the Devil, he has God’s power. Jesus is telling the Devil that God can take care of him! He doesn’t need the solution offered by the Devil.

5 Then the devil took him to the holy city and had him stand on the highest point of the temple. 6 “If you are the Son of God,” he said, “throw yourself down. For it is written: “‘He will command his angels concerning you, and they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.’[c]”

How the Devil tempts?
– The Devil offers you unwarranted risks with potential gain, hoping you will fall. The Devil knows your mission for God, and wants you to fail. The Devil will ask you to do things you know how to do. He won't ask you to do something you can't do! The Devil knew that Jesus’ mission was to die on the cross for the world’s sins – to save the world from hell. Fasting was to prepare Jesus to bear the suffering that was going come on the cross. The Devil knew Jesus had the power jump off a building, and instruct angels to catch him (but perhaps the Devil was not sure if the angels will really catch Jesus). The Devil probably wanted Jesus to ‘test power’ (hoping he would commit suicide), and fail his mission.

7 Jesus answered him, “It is also written: ‘Do not put the Lord your God to the test.’[d]”

How Jesus overcame? – Using the Word (God). Jesus saw through his tricks and told him it’s wrong to test God.

8 Again, the devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor. 9 “All this I will give you,” he said, “if you will bow down and worship me.”

How the Devil tempts? – The Devil offers you money, power & pleasure in EXCHANGE for your soul. The Devil wants your soul to suffer with him in Hell, once you die. When you are a Christian, you pursue high standards of holiness. The world may offer you money, power and pleasure – but it may mean, you have to lower your standards of holiness. Maybe you won’t have time for God and church anymore. Maybe, in your job, you’ll have to drink & party, and follow the ways of SIN (Devil). When you love SIN, it automatically means, you are worshipping the Devil. This means you’ll have to go against your values and stop following God.

10 Jesus said to him, “Away from me, Satan! For it is written: ‘Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only.’

How Jesus overcame?
– Using the Word (God). Jesus tells the Devil, in life, we must worship only God. We must pursue holiness in every way of life (personal or job). We must love God more than anything else in this world. Jesus chases the Devil away, and the devil gets lost!

11 Then the devil left him, and angels came and attended him.

PRAY for yourself, and those around you. PRAY, even for the people whom the Devil uses to tempt you. Pray that they will wake up and stop being used by the Devil.

If something is from God, it will be clear, with nothing to hide. It will not take you away from God, or your values. There will be no hidden agenda.

DEAL WITH the REAL SOURCE OF TEMPTATION, in the SPIRITUAL WORLD. Deal with the spiritual devil itself!

Don’t hate the person, but be very careful with them.

Say to the Devil, “Away from me, Satan!” and he will get lost! Don't say it direct to people's faces. Talk to people with wisdom, but say it strongly in your PRAYER.

The Devil will come back again, with new challenges, using the same or new people & situations, after you pass each test. But his TECHNIQUE IS ALWAYS THE SAME, as what the mastermind used on Jesus.

See, Jesus already showed us.BE STRONG IN THE LORD & follow Jesus’ example. It's not easy, but don’t give in to the Devil.

Instead, chase the Devil away with GOD'S WORD, continue to live holy - then, you can win – EVERY TIME.