Sunday, February 12, 2012

The '5 Idiots'

Some years back, there was a famous Bollywood movie called the ‘3 Idiots’. It was a very meaningful & inspiring movie.

But today, I want to write about ‘5 Idiots’ from the Bible.

(Read Genesis 5-10)

In a dry and sunny land, God instructed Noah to build a huge boat. Everyone who passed by thought Noah was a complete idiot! Why would a man build an ark when there’s no sign of rain or even a flood?

He worked so hard to build the ark, while everyone who passed by called him a mad man!
Not only that, he also brought in all the species of animals, 2 by 2, to save them in the ark. He even warned people about the flood, and asked them to believe!

Nobody believed him!

If your neighbour started building an ark during a draught, you would think he’s an idiot or lunatic too, wouldn’t you?

But guess what? In the end, the Flood really came. Everyone else died. Only Noah & his family were saved!

Who are the idiots now?

(Read Joshua 1-6 in the Bible)

Can you imagine an army going for war? Instead of using weapons, they go around blowing horns around the walls in the city of Jericho!

That’s exactly what God asked Joshua to do.

So, Joshua instructed his army to do according to what the LORD said. They did it for 6 days; their enemies & those watching, must have thought, “Their leader, Joshua is a complete idiot!”

But on the 7th day, the walls of Jericho collapsed by the effect of the loud sounds! Joshua & his army easily marched right in!

Who are the idiots now?

(Read Daniel 3 in the Bible)

These 3 men worked for the King in Babylon. They believed the Lord and followed God’s commandments. One day, the King created a golden statue & made it a rule for everyone to bow down & worship the statue as God. If they refused, they will be punished and thrown into the fire!

At that time, these 3 men refused to bow down to worship the statue as God. They said, they will worship the Lord only! They were willing to be thrown into the fire to die!

Everyone around them would have said, “What idiots! Why do they want to die just because of this? Can’t they pretend & bow down for courtesy sake?”

The King threw them into the fire! But these 3 men did not die!

Instead, the soldiers who threw them in died! Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were protected by God, even inside the burning fire!

They came out alive! – until the King himself made a new rule to punish anyone who said anything bad about these 3 men’s God!

Who are the idiots now?


When you follow God’s instructions, you might look like an idiot to the world.

People might make fun of you, or think you are stupid – but GOD will NEVER PUT YOU TO SHAME.

It’s ok to be an IDIOT for GOD, because GOD ALWAYS WINS, IN THE END.


BE BRAVE to be the only one standing out. BE PROUD to be the minority.

In the end, you can look at the whole world and say, “Who are the idiots now?”

Romans 10:11 (The Bible)
For the Scripture says, “Everyone who believes in him (the LORD) will not be put to shame.”