Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Reality vs Spirituality

A lot of people differentiate spirituality from reality, in many ways. Some might say, ''Career is one thing. God is another. You need to focus on career & move forward.'' Others might say, ''The problems in this world are very complex. We should evaluate spirituality & get real.''

We tend to think that when we work, it has nothing to do with God. Only when it involves church or the temple, God comes into the picture. We feel that playing sports & talking to others, means having real lives without anything spiritual. Some believe, meditating for hours and hours achieves spirituality.

Why do we classify the activities in our lives, in such a way? Perhaps, it's because we are confused between REALITY & SRITUALITY. We tend to equate REALITY with what we can see & explain. We think of SPIRITUALITY as something mystical & obscure - something we cannot see. GOD, of course, is conveniently classified under the spiritual side.

Could REALITY & SPIRITUALITY be ONE, instead of 2 different entities?

Life itself; the breath that we breathe - can we see where it comes from, & where it ends? Just because we can't see our 'live,' do we say it's not real? No! Life is REAL. Life is SPIRITUAL.

The human brain is made of complex nervous systems, which controls our body movements. Can we explain the source of power that guides our nerves & body actions? Just hold up your palm in front of you. What makes your hand move according to what you want to do? Can you see this 'power'? You say it's real even when you can't see or explain it. Our beings are REAL. Our beings are SPIRITUAL.

Just think about your thoughts and words from your mouth. Where do they come from? We can't see or touch them, but we never deny their reality. Our thoughts & words are REAL. Our thoughts & words are SPIRITUAL.

I find it very difficult to understand, how people live REAL & SPIRITUAL lives, yet deny the SPIRITUAL side of it.

It's as if I am saying, ''My name is Joanna. I am an Indian girl. I am a Christian. My weight is XXkg. My height is XXXcm (REAL)....But, I do not live (with thoughts, emotions & feelings) nor love (with my heart & soul)(SPIRITUAL).

Now, can I say that? No! I can't. That would be denying my very self!



GOD is SPIRIT - shapeless and formless. He always existed and is all around us. This is something we cannot see (SPIRITUAL). GOD also appeared in the world as a REAL PERSON - JESUS CHRIST. This is something humankind has seen & recorded in history (REALITY). Perhaps, GOD, in all His wisdom, understood our human confusion between REALITY & SPIRITUALITY - He had it in His Masterplan to show us that BOTH are ONE.

For me, SPIRITUALITY IS NOT RELIGION. It is REALITY. It is GOD in my LIFE - in everything I do, I acknowledge Him.

I do not seperate my life. I DO NOT SAY my career is for my personal advancement, exercise is for my health, food is for my body, the money I earn is for myself because I work for it, church and charity are activities I like for doing good...

Yes, all the above are TRUE. It is REAL. But I DO NOT SAY THAT because IT IS ALSO SPIRITUAL. All of that make me a PERSON who lives in this world.

Without a REAL body with human needs, I would be invisible or a ghost. Without SPIRIT, I would be a lifeless piece of flesh & bones.

Seperating REALITY & SPIRITUALITY removes GOD from our lives. It makes us SELFISH to focus on ME, MYSELF & I. It gives us the mindset that says, ''This (time, comfort, pleasure, money, body, feelings etc.) is MINE! .... and.... ''This 'left-over' I may donate to GOD if I wish!''

Sometimes we foolishly THINK that GOD needs our DONATIONS! People think that doing social work & being 'religious' is a moral responsibility to DONATE to society & God. In a way, it makes us feel a little better about ourselves when we DONATE.

But when we understand that REALITY & SPIRITUALITY are like 2 circles ( a transparent one overlapping a tangible one ) becoming ONE - that's when we realize NOTHING is fully ours in the first place. EVERYTHING is loaned from GOD. GOD already owns EVERYTHING.

Really, we have NOTHING to DONATE to GOD!

We don't need to leave our homes, sell all our belongings and give to the poor, roam the streets like a beggar, sit down in a cave and meditate and pray - hoping to have a ray of light shine upon us. We do not need to do any of this to 'achieve' spirituality. We live in a real world where we need to work and put in effort to survive. We do not do anything to 'prove' our reality. We already ARE REAL & SPIRITUAL!

'Giving' (time, effort, money etc.) to GOD is just a humble act of saying, ''It's all YOURS, GOD. I'm using it for YOU, NOT myself only.''

Working, making money & advancing in career is 'GIVING' to GOD - when our attitude acknowledges Him. Eating well & exercising is 'GIVING' to GOD, when our heart is thankful to Him. Praying & reading the Bible is 'GIVING' to GOD when we worship Him. Having a good time & making our spouse happy is 'GIVING' to GOD when we appreciate His gifts. Providing for our family is 'GIVING' to GOD when we do it to fulfill our role to Him. Charity & good works are 'GIVING' to GOD when we do it for Him.

How come? Because this is exactly what GOD made us to be - REAL & SPIRITUAL. He made us REAL & SPIRITUAL just as Himself!



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