Thursday, July 21, 2011

Does the present exist?

Have you ever thought about it? We have the past, present and the future. We have a beginning, and the end. We are born one day and will die one day. What lies in between? The present?

But what is the present? For how long does the present last? 100 years for a human life? 1000 years for a generation? 1,000,000 years for a civilization?

What is the present?

I began to relate it to physical attributes, behavior and character. How would I describe myself? How would I describe someone else? Naturally, we detail people and events according to the ‘present’, but this description might not fit if you take it back into the past or look into the future.

For example, this is a description of me 20 years ago:
1. Scrawny, nicknamed “Hockey sticks”
2. Curly hair
3. Extremely quiet – voice hardly to be heard
4. Unbelievably timid

This is me 10 years ago:
1. Skinny but not scrawny
2. Still curly hair
3. A bit more chatty
4. A little more daring

And this represents me till today:
1. Thin with ideal weight
2. Straightened hair
3. Giving speeches in public
4. Been on adventures - climbed mountains and sailed boats

I was not the same in past. Neither will I remain identical in the future.

Every millisecond that passes becomes the past. Every millisecond that replaces it becomes the future.

What is the present? For how long does it last?

I am beginning to understand Jesus’ teachings with more depth – why did He say “I am the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End”? Revelations 22:13.

Why is it said, “Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday, today and forever.” (Hebrews 13:8)

Why did Jesus say, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies”? (John 11:25)

Why did God call things that were not as if they were? (Romans 4:17)

Because the past is gone, the present is passing, and the future will be. Only GOD IS who He is.

With this new understanding, here are a few things I’ve learnt today:

1. Never judge yourself or anyone according to the past – look at yourself and others the way Jesus sees you. The past is gone.
Eg: If you used to be a sinner and you have been forgiven by Christ, the past is gone forever.

2. Never condemn yourself or others based on the present. The present passes by with every moment. What is the present, anyway?
Eg: If you are a weak and scared person, that can change. You were made for a greater purpose.

3. See yourself and others into the future – see the goodness that God will create through and in you, as well as others. Call things that were not as if they were.
Eg: If you are sickly, keep saying that you are strong. It will happen.
If your wife is insecure, lovingly tell her that she is confident and she will change.
If your husband is hot tempered, encourage him that he is patient and you will
see the difference.

I’d like to conclude with this dream I had yesterday (which gave me this revelation, in the first place!) :

A few friends asked me, “What do you think of, so and so? And I enthusiastically replied, “So, and so, is the nicest, most patient and loving person I’ve met?”

Shocked, they asked me, “Are you sure you are talking about the right one? We have known this person for so many years, and this description definitely doesn’t fit at all?”

In my dream, I replied:

“Of course it won’t fit. Your judgment is based on the past, and the so-called present.
But I look at things the way Jesus does. It is exactly what will be.

Don’t hang on to the past. It is gone.
Don’t just live on the present. It is passing.
Keep your hope in the future. It will be.


Phillipians 1:6 (The Bible)
And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.

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