Monday, July 4, 2011

You Are What You Listen To

People say, “You are what you eat” or “You are what you read.”

Equally true is, “You are what you listen to.”

Yesterday, while I was driving, I had to change the radio stations a couple of times because the songs were just ‘garbage’ to my soul. My ‘’mind filters’’ are very sensitive to WORDS, and rubbish disgusts me.

The tune is catchy, I must admit. Even though I hate it, it keeps playing in my mind…but the WORDS…Goodness, gracious! How can people even sing it?

Imagine! The young people today spend hours listening and singing along to music on their handphones and iPods. Many don’t pay attention to the lyrics or what it means. They simply sing along without realizing that those words are seeping into their souls.

Soon, they become what they listen to.

For example, check out this song - ‘Good Girls Go Bad’ by Cobra Starship

I make them good girls go bad
I make them good girls go
Good girls go bad
(Good girls go bad)

I know your type
You're daddy's little girl
Just take a bite
Let me shake up your world
'Cause just one night couldn't be so wrong
I'm gonna make you lose control

She was so shy
Till I drove her wild

I make them good girls go bad
I make them good girls go bad
You were hanging in the corner
With your five best friends
You heard that I was trouble
But you couldn't resist
I make them good girls go bad
I make them good girls go bad…

Isn’t this the exact scenario of the world today?

The boys take great pride in making ‘good girls go bad.’ These boys happily splash their fountain of life on every ‘Jane, Janet & Mary,” feeling a sense of ‘accomplishment’ about the numbers under their belts – when in fact, they are slaves to their sinful desires. These boys possess a life producing power but are unable to control their desires.

And the ohh….the girls…"I know your type…boy, you’re dangerous…but just one night couldn’t be so wrong..”!!! Then off they go with some Tom, Dick & Harry!

And there you have it, two willing partners on a mission to SIN …"mission accomplished!”

Sadly, many young people these days do not value virginity nor ‘keep it’ till marriage - because they have fallen prey to "mind programming", which causes them not to see their see their self-worth!

If you listen and sing along to this kind of songs everyday till it gets into your brain - you won’t even realize you have become the song!

I feel worried and saddened at how ignorant this world is towards the various techniques that are being used to program our minds.

Whether we are adults, youth or children – our minds are being programmed without our knowledge.

Look around you.

Listen to the music in a club, pub or disco. Will you hear them playing Josh Groban’s “You Raised Me Up?”…or a gospel song, “Amazing grace that saved a wretch like me”….. NO! Definitely NOT!

Instead, you will see youngsters dancing to “Good Girls Go Bad”….or Jennifer Lopez’s lyrics “Dance the night away…if you’re an animal, get on the floor…”or Ms Nina’s “Baby, I’ve never seen someone with that body…I want to make you lose control…”

On the other hand, compare the songs you will hear in a church…lyrics such as, “Change my heart or God, make it ever true”…..”My sins are forgiven, I am a new person”….”I once was lost, but now I’m found”…….

Why is this so?

One simple answer – MIND PROGRAMMING (you can google search ‘mind control’ and ‘mind programming’ for more info)

When do boys make good girls go bad? When do girls want to lose control?

Is it after they come out of a church, or after a drink at the pub?

Words have power. Music has power – they can work to ignite flames of desire or feelings from within you, without you realizing it (it can be good or bad).

You don’t believe it?

Sit down and just listen to the lyrics of the songs on the radio, or in the disco. How do you feel?

Next, listen to Mozart or some romantic, slow love songs. How do you feel?

Listen to Martin Luther King’s freedom speech. How do you feel?

Listen to someone telling you off? How do you feel?

Do you remember the young killers who suddenly took out guns and killed their schoolmates in America? Or teenagers who killed their parents?

Do you know one thing they had in common? They listened to heavy metal music before committing the murder – songs with lyrics that said, “Kill….don’t be afraid….just do it…I’m tired of this life….let’s end it….”

Look at the lives of people who spend their time listening to good music (classical, instrumental, love songs, gospel, praise & worship etc.) or great speeches (motivational talks, sermons etc.)– generally, they are more patient, passionate about life with a purpose, nice, and do better in studies.

Compare them with those who feed their minds with ‘rubbish’ – words with no substance - pubs & clubs type music, heavy metal etc…. – generally, they are impatient, rough, do not have a sense of purpose in life, and are quick to give in to their fleshly desires.

It’s a FACT – WORDS and RHYTHM affect your mind, and thus behavior.

Doctors use it to calm you during therapy. Counselors utilize it to encourage you. Motivational speakers use the right words and intonation to inspire you. Even politicians use it to make you believe.

Likewise, the world can also use music & words to corrupt your mind and cause bad behavior.

But the question is, do you even realize it - the power of words and rhythm in your life?

Analyze your whole life. Have you already allowed the world to program your mind?

Think about it – your mind is constantly being bombarded with words and rhythm wherever you go.

Whether you like it or not, YOU ARE ALREADY BEING PROGRAMMED, little by little, day by day.

But it’s NOT too late!


Be selective – filter what goes into your heart & mind.

When it comes to food, you know how to diet - you avoid oily & fattening food because it’s not good for your health. When you put on weight, you can see it and quickly start to cut down on food.

But the heart & mind – you can’t see it! That’s why it’s so easy to neglect it!

But in fact, the same applies to your soul – avoid rubbish! Fill your ears & mind with good things that will benefit you. Not just music, but also words that people say, or words that you read.

If you have children, pay attention to what they listen to (songs, speeches, books they read etc). From a young age, as parents, feed their minds with good things - so that when they grow up, they will know what garbage is when they listen to it. Speak words of encouragement and blessings to them. Then, when they love goodness from young, it will be difficult for the world and sin to penetrate.

But if the foundation is not laid, the spirit is weak… thus the world has the upper hand and the mind is very vulnerable to being programmed.

So, KNOW the difference between good and bad.

Listen to good stuff! Pay attention to words & lyrics. Switch radio stations if it’s crap. Avoid negative topics that demoralize you. Walk away politely if you can. If there’s nothing you can do anything about it – FILTER it in your head. Replace them with positive and godly thoughts. Pray in your heart.

Don’t allow the WORDS (sound, spoken or written) and RYTHM (music, tone of voice etc.) to stimulate desires or feelings (eg: lust, depression, anger etc) that do not benefit you.


PROTECT YOUR HEART & MIND because it determines your ACTIONS.

The Bible teaches us the perfect WEAPON against mind programming:

Ephesians 6:10-18

The Whole Armor of God

10 A final word: Be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11 Put on all of God’s armor so that you will be able to stand firm against all strategies of the devil. 12 For we[a] are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.

13 Therefore, put on every piece of God’s armor so you will be able to resist the enemy in the time of evil. Then after the battle you will still be standing firm. 14 Stand your ground, putting on the belt of truth and the body armor of God’s righteousness. 15 For shoes, put on the peace that comes from the Good News so that you will be fully prepared.[b] 16 In addition to all of these, hold up the shield of faith to stop the fiery arrows of the devil.[c] 17 Put on salvation as your helmet, and take the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.

18 Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere.[d]

FIGHT mind control! REPROGRAM your mind today!

The BATTLE is on…

By, JJ.

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