Monday, December 26, 2011

The Blood

Have you ever seriously thought about the importance of blood in your life?

I continue to be amazed at how a full blood test can reveal what’s in a person’s body – from arthritis, rheumatism, cholesterol level, kidney functions, cancer to AIDS. Our blood can reveal whether we are in the pink of health, or if we are counting our days. Truly, modern science proves that the Bible (which was written more than 2000 years ago) contains high scientific standard.

“For the life of the flesh is in the blood…” the Bible says in Leveticus 17:11

Throughout the centuries, extensive research has been conducted about blood since the discovery of the blood circulation system in the human body. We are alive and breathing today because of blood circulation. The blood is pumped by the heart, and it’s interesting to note, that’s it’s possible for a machine to perform the heart’s job. Yet, if the blood cannot reach the different organs of our bodies, we die. Even we start to lose blood for a prolonged time (especially women, when having period), we feel extremely tired. If we lose large amounts of blood, we die. If the blood is infected by incurable viruses that destroy our life-essential organs, we cannot live. Each cell in our blood has its own function and correct amount to protect and preserve our lives. So, it is true when the Bible says our LIFE is in the blood.

In order for us to continue living, our blood needs to be cleansed. When a dying person needs to be saved, modern science allows the blood of a healthy person (of the same blood group) to be transfused to the dying person. Contaminated blood cannot be saved by itself. It needs cleansing.

Remember, in the process of blood transfusion, the BLOOD must be transfused, or GIVEN to the sickly person. Then, the blood must be ACCEPTED by dying person, in order for him or her to be SAVED.

A lot of people ask, “Why did Jesus have to die in the first place? Why did he have to shed his blood? Why do we need to ACCEPT that his blood paid for our sins? If he really already shed his blood for all of us, why does it matter whether we BELIEVE and ACCEPT JESUS, or if we do what we like (as long as we try to be good)?”

The profound spiritual answer to these questions can be illustrated by modern science in blood transfusion.

Jesus said in Matthew 26:28,

For this is my blood, which confirms the covenant between God and his people.

It is poured out as a sacrifice to forgive the sins of many.

God gave us Jesus to die for our sins because He is the ONLY 100% CLEAN & PURE blood in this world. He is the ONLY SINLESS PERSON, because He is GOD! It is also because of this; Jesus says His blood heals our diseases. Human blood is contaminated with sin, spiritually, and with diseases physically. Diseases are a direct result of sin, since the creation of humankind in the Garden of Eden. It’s the power of His blood that heals us.

ALL of us need a ‘blood transfusion’. It’s the ONLY WAY for our sins to be forgiven, to avoid the punishment in Hell.

God has already GIVEN us the BLOOD of Jesus.We just need to ACCEPT it. We ACCEPT by BELIEVING.

The Bible says in Romans 3:23,

For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God's glorious standard.

There is NO EXCEPTION for anyone to say he or she does good things, and doesn’t need the blood of Christ.

The way I see it, JESUS is NOT religion. He is the DIFFERENCE between of LIFE & DEATH, here on earth and in eternity.




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