Monday, December 26, 2011

The Men in the Bible Spoke Tamil?

Recentely, I had been thinking about, “How come I am a Christian, being an Indian? How did my parents, grandparents & forefathers become Christians? How did Christianity reach Indians, in the first place?”

I came back to my hometown. While I was placing my watch on the bookshelf, as if planned by Providence, my eyes caught sight of an old book arranged together with my collection. I haven’t seen it before and I asked my mom where it came from. She couldn’t remember, but she must have placed it there while rearranging things in the house.

I immediately picked it up. The title was “Christianity in Hinduism” by Prof. D. M. Deivanayagam M.A., PhD & Dr. D. Devaka M.A., PhD.

The authors have made some remarkable historical discoveries about the Bible, in Hinduism & India - saying Abraham actually spoke Tamil! Allow me to share.

Abraham (Ibrahim) is the common father of Islam, Christianity, Judaism & the Israelite religion. Abraham is the father of the 2 sons – Isaac (Ishak) & Ishamael (Ismail) whose descendants are still at war with each other in the Middle East today.

The Bible says that Abraham was from a place called ‘Ur,’ the capital of the Sumerian kings. (Genesis 11:31). In Tamil, ‘Ur’ is a word for village.

The Bible says that when the Great Flood happened, 8 people from the family of Noah (Abraham’s forefather) survived because they were in the Ark. They multiplied and spread their language towards other areas after the Ark landed on Mount Ararat.

In the Old Testament, Genesis 11:1 in the Bible says that the whole world had one language and one speech during that time. The people travelled from the East to other places & lived there.

This book explored – What is the language of the East?

Historically, in the East, there was a civilization known as the Indus Valley civilization, belonging to the Dravidians, also known as Tamilians. It has been found that the Dravidian language was actually a very primitive form of Tamil! Even the old day ethnic Iranians in the villages spoke this language.

Research also proves that Sumerians moved into Babylon from the East, and there is evidence that Tamilians lived in Babylon.

Teakwood found in a place called ‘Ur’ shows that trade relationship existed between South India & Sumeria before 4000 B.C.

Hinduism is the term given to the religion that existed along the Indus, so a lot of its history dates back to the Dravidian / Tamilian way of life – and influences that have entered into the area.

There is a lot of historical evidence showing the correlation between worship in the Indus valley & the Bible.

Ashoka’s inscriptions in Aramaic (the language spoken by Jesus) tell us about the Greek, Romans, Jews & Syrians who traded with India. The Tamil Sankam literature (about 3rd c. B.C – 3rd. C.A.D) reveals that these foreigners settled in Pondichery. (Ashoka is the great Indian Emperor who ruled almost all of India during his reign, who also helped Buddhism become a world religion)

It’s very interesting to note that before 2nd c. A.D, the languages that are seen in the inscriptions in India during Ashoka’s period are Tamil, Greek, Aramaic and a few others, but not Sanskrit. Sanskrit is the language used to write the Hindu Vedas, and it’s only seen after this period.

In the Bible, Abraham is a man who worshipped the Lord and spoke the language of the East. These historical findings point to him speaking the earliest form of Tamil. This also means that Christianity existed in India, even BEFORE the Europeans brought Christianity to Indian soil!

In the New Testament, Matthew 2:1 in the Bible says, “Wise men from the East came to Jerusalem” to visit Jesus Christ when He was born. The birth & location of Christ was predicted hundreds of years before he was born, in the Old Testament. This means that people in the East had knowledge of the Old Testament & were anticipating this birth of the Savior; so they travelled to Jerusalem to visit the child. So, it is highly possible, that either of the wise men, or all of them who visited Christ, were from India!

This explains how Christianity spread from Judea to India.(The term Christianity came about after the birth of Christ. Before Christ was born in human flesh, He was worshiped as the Lord, of Abraham), Judea was controlled by the Romans & Greek during that time. That’s why the Christian Jews wrote their Books in Greek, instead of their own language. Evidence reveals that trade relationship existed between Judea & India, and this is how Christianity further spread to India. This makes it really probably that Abraham in the Bible spoke the earliest form of Tamil.

Being an Indian, these new findings that I’ve read intrigue me to delve further into the history of India, Hinduism & its link with the Bible. The Bible mentions many countries that exist today – India, Rome, Egypt, Babylon etc., even the lost city of Atlantis. Research show that Sumerians moved into Babylon from the East & there is evidence that Tamilians have also lived in Babylon.

There seems to be a HUGE link between all these countries, Babylon, India & the Bible. (The Bible indicates that religions originate from Babylon & modern researchers agree with it). And we know that Tamil is among the oldest languages in the world.

The world is a big jigsaw puzzle with a lot of missing pieces. That makes it difficult for us to understand the whole story.

But HISTORY is HIS STORY. Finding our origin will explain where we came from, save us from lies & lead us to the source of TRUTH – the Author & Finisher of the Story.

A famous man once said, “There are only 2 types of people in the world: 1) Those who search for the truth, & 2) those who justify their own behavior.”

I choose to search for the TRUTH, which is revealing itself to me, the more I seek. Jesus has never disappointed me. He is only making things clearer to me.

Till all the missing pieces are pieced together, I am still amazed to think of the possibility that the people in the Bible actually spoke Tamil!


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