Monday, December 26, 2011

The Only Way Out of Karma

Many of us believe in the concept of retribution or karma; If you do bad (sin), bad things will happen to you. If you do good (righteousness), good will return to you.

How good can you really be? Can you count your sins?

Here’s a story of a man who believed in karma.(I’m NOT implying women are any better. Just change ‘innocent little boy” to ‘innocent little girl” and you get the same story!)

He’s an innocent little boy growing up in a small town. When he is 5, he learns how to lie. He is naughty, but lies that he didn’t do something when he actually did it. When he is 7, he steals his classmate’s eraser. At the age of 9, he discovers pornography. He spends all his free time during childhood, teenage years and adulthood watching the scenes of thousands of naked women (how many people’s daughters & sisters!). He think this is OK, because everyone else is doing it. But actually this is sin. Can u even count how many scenes he watched in his lifetime? Can you count the number of times he had sex in his mind, with people who were not his wife. The number of his sins - uncountable!
Then when he is 16, he puts into practice what he has learnt from all the blue videos. He steals a girl’s virginity, while he willingly throws his away. Here, another sin. Not just sexual sin, but also STEALING (stealing the first night experience of marriage and body from each other’s true husband / wife.) This teenager doesn’t stop there. He grows up and has a few other girlfriends – and he has sex with each one of them. How many people’s daughter, sister, future wife of someone! How many future husbands and fathers & sons did he steal from? How many times they had sex?Uncountable!

Sex becomes the ‘god’ in his life! He loves having sex, with no regards to the ways of the Lord.

He becomes a young adult and starts working. He is still not married. He continues his fling of affairs. He sits together with a group of friends, and they sexually lust after every sexy woman who passes by. He admires their bodies, and imagines himself undressing someone’s sister / wife / daughter’s clothes. He thinks this is ok, and does it to fit in with the group, and make the guys happy. Again, uncountable sins!

One day, he decides to get engaged. He stays in a relationship for a couple of years, and then easily calls it off. If he were an innocent man who did not sleep with her, then it wouldn’t be too much of a sin. But he’s been living with her like he was her husband. Yet, in one moment, he loses his feelings for her and ends it all. Can you count his sins?

Then he gets married to a different girl. He doesn’t confess anything about his past to her, because he assumes the whole world is like him, anyway. Here, already a sin – a lie! When he makes love to her, he makes his wife get a taste of all the women he has slept with in his life. He doesn’t even have the basic repentance to ask her to forgive him for giving away his body away, so many times, to so many girls on his way! Here, only adding to his already uncountable sins!

Soon enough, he tries to have a child. He tries so hard for many years, but his seeds just don’t seem to hit the target. When his wife finally gets pregnant, she is faced with a miscarriage. Then he thinks God is unfair. “I’ve never done any ‘major sin’ like rape or murder. I don’t even smoke! I’ve been nice and honest in many ways. I don’t hurt anyone. My good karma should bless me! How can this happen to me?” But he doesn’t realize, he has been splashing his life producing sperms very cheaply, for SIN – for uncountable times in his life! He’s been STEALING in so many ways!

Eventually, he has a child. His wife is busy caring for the baby. Business keeps him busy and he has to hang out late. He lies every time he is late, even for innocent things because LYING has become his second nature. Again, adding to his sins. Worse still, he starts to have affairs with other women as he is influenced by his friends, and learns different lying techniques from the men who share at the table. Can you count his sins?

Later in life, some guy sleeps with his daughter at a very young age. She gets pregnant and aborts the child without his knowing. After some years, she gets engaged and the guy calls it off, after having a great deal of sex with her, which causes her great hurt. She gets married to a different man, but he has affairs and divorces her. His son, on the other hand, gets married but his wife swindles away all his money, leaving him with almost a nervous breakdown. His wife is so heartbroken by all that has happened. This man feels the pain of being a father.

This man blames God again, saying God is unfair. “My daughter is such a sweet girl. How could you let this happen to her? My son really loved his wife – how could You let his wife do that to him? My wife is a good woman, why do you let her suffer?I pray every morning to your statue! I don’t believe in God anymore!”

It’s really funny to think that this is a man who believes in karma! Yet, he never realizes the sins he has done to someone’s daughter, wife, sister, child, husband, father, son etc. – in his whole life! According to his own beliefs, he is being paid back for everything he has done – in different ways. Only thing, he has also made his wife and children pay for it. Obviously, it won’t end there.

The vicious cycle continues, from one generation to the other. This is karma, isn’t it? It’s true – what goes around, comes around. It’s a law in the 10 Commandments, where the sins of a man (or woman) is carried into the future generations. This happens because we FAIL TO FOLLOW God's Commandments!

In fact, many things that are happening in our lives (or have already happened) are the result of the sins of our ancestors (parents, grandparents, greatgrandparents etc) – their unconfessed and unforgiven sins.

What we do in our own lives will affect our children and the generations that comes after.

It's true, each of us make individual choices and decisions, which bring its own consequences. But like it or not, there is an unexplainable force which repays whatever we do; influencing the time, place, people we meet and what we do.

Can this ever be stopped?

This man can only stop his ‘karma’ from continuing to the next generation if he gets rid of ALL his sins. Can he do that by himself? Can he wash away any one of his bad deeds? NO! Not at all! He can’t even remember or count all of the bad things he did in his life!

Is there a way to end this vicious cycle?

The Bible says, there is only ONE WAY to get out of the trap. Through the MEDIATOR who cancels our sins so we can walk away as a FREE MAN!

That is to BELIEVE IN JESUS – to believe that He died to pay for our sins and ask Him to forgive us. It’s the ONLY WAY to remove ALL our wrongdoings from our records.

The moment this man says this prayer with his mouth, and believes in His heart, his sins are TOTALLY FORGIVEN! :


I now believe that Jesus Christ is Your only begotten Son, that He came down to our earth in the flesh and died on the cross to take away all of my sins and the sins of this world. I believe that Jesus Christ then rose from the dead on the third day to give all of us eternal life.

Lord Jesus,

I now confess to You all of the wrong and sinful things I have ever done in my life. I ask that You please forgive Me and wash away all of my sins by the blood that You have personally shed for me on the cross. I am now ready to accept You as my personal Lord and Savior. I now ask that You come into my life and live with Me for all of eternity.

Father, Jesus – I now believe that I am truly saved and born again.

Thank you Jesus.”

In one moment, every single bad thing he has done in his life is REMOVED from the record.

He becomes BRAND NEW! Yesterday a sinner, today a saint!

This is the day he breaks the evil cycle of ‘karma’ in his life. He starts a NEW LIFE, following God’s rules, which will bring the blessing of the Lord upon his family & future generations!

This is the moment, he gives his whole life to Jesus. This is when, he is proud to say, “I am a Christian,” because he finally realizes, Jesus is the only way out.

The Lord said in Exodus 20: 3-6 (10 Commandments):

3 “You shall have no other gods before[a] me.

4 “You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. 5 You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, 6 but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments.

I Timothy 2: 5

For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus,

Jesus said in John 5:24

24 “I tell you the truth, those who LISTEN to my message and BELIEVE in God who sent ME have eternal life. They will NEVER be condemned for their sins, but they have already passed from death into life.

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