Monday, December 26, 2011

To Him Who Has More

Do you admire great men & women you see on the television? Singers like Micheal Jackson, or famous actors from Hollywood or Bollywood? Maybe even great world leaders like John F. Kennedy, from history?

There are many famous figures I admire, for the changes they have made to the world & lives, and the contributions they have made society.

Sometimes, I think, “Wow! What a great destiny this man had in his life! The whole world knows & admires him! How many people can achieve this greatness in their lifetime?”

But then again, it’s I realize, it’s a VERY HUGE RESPONSIBILITY to hold that position of ‘greatness’ – and many men & women have failed in the end.

When God allows you to climb higher & play greater roles, He gives you more CHOICES.

If you are an average 9-5 office employee, you will find that live an average life; a simple family life where one wife & a few children is already a financial challenge. You are contented with a simple life, being faithful to your wife.

But look at the lives of rich businessman or influential leaders. God has blessed them with more privileges. They have more money. They attract women everywhere you go. They can financially afford affairs; to spend lavish gifts on many women, who repay them with their bodies.

You see, God gives people more CHOICES, the HIGHER WE REACH. But WHAT DO WE DO with the MORE THAT WE HAVE?

Do men remain as faithful husbands to their wife? Do they see their position as God’s blessing? Do they make time for God? Do they do things the ‘clean’ way’? Do they discuss their plans with God in prayer? Do they think they achieved it all by themselves, or are they thankful to God & follow the Laws of the Bible?

Many great leaders had the CHOICE to live a life obeying God’s Laws. They had the CHOICE to be GREAT EXAMPLES for God, and influence a lot of people through their righteous lifestyle. But they chose SIN instead.

Most of the great leaders we admire achieved greatness in the eyes of the world. We think that they are so great & surely deserve a place in heaven! But they FAILED terribly in the eyes of God.

Even famous celebrities & stars. They have reached a level where the world totally adores them. Crowds scream & cry just to see their favourite singer pass by! God has allowed them to be in a position to influence the minds of thousands of fans!

But what do they do with this INFLUENCING POWER?

They sing songs which promote sexual immorality, and even twist Jesus’ words from the Bible. They dress in ways that corrupt young minds. They take drugs & consume alcohol, which is copied by their fans. They sell their soul to the Devil in exchange for fame & lasting popularity. They take all the glory to their SELF, and never channel it back to God. They let the youngsters treat them as if they are ‘god’!

They have the ‘power’ to influence youngsters to follow the right path, but they FAIL to do it.

The world admires them for their looks, voices, skills, popularity & fortune. But is God impressed by all this? I don’t think so.

Today, you and I may be average people. The whole world doesn’t know us, and in a way, that’s a good thing. Maybe we long for greater things, & want to go higher - which is right in itself.

But the question is : Can we FULFILL God’s standards, with the MORE THAT HE GIVES US? Can we HANDLE THE CHOICES , when we have MORE?

Take a look at your own life, currently. Count all your knowledge, skills & talents. Determine the amount of influence you have (how popular are you, how many people know you, how many people listen when you talk, how many people follow you).

Whether you realize it or not, you have the POWER to INFLUENCE people & change lives. Do you INFLUENCE people towards the RIGHT PATH, by the way you live?

If you are a global leader, you can influence the whole world. If you are a political leader, you can influence the whole country. If you are a celebrity, you can influence tens of thousands of youngsters.

If you are a leader in your organization, you can influence your colleagues & staff. If you have a family, you have the power to influence your family. If you have friends, you knowingly or unknowingly influence them.

This influencing POWER you possess, reveals itself in the WAY YOU LIVE YOUR LIFE. It can be seen in the CHOICES YOU MAKE. It is heard in the WORDS YOU SPEAK. It is seen in the ACTIONS YOU DO. It comes from the THINGS YOU SEE & READ. It originates from the THOUGHTS YOU THINK in your heart.


How do you CHOOSE to live? Does the way you live, make God happy?

In the world’s standards today, good works, financial achievement & popularity is classified as SUCCESS – even if SIN is the way of life!

But according to God’s standards, He looks into our HEARTS & judges according to His Laws.

God is NOT going to ask us: HOW WELL DID YOU ENJOY YOUR LIFE?

I believe Jesus IS going to ask: WHAT DID YOU DO WITH EVERYTHING I GAVE YOU? Did you obey My Laws? Did you use all you power, talents, skills etc, to show the world that I AM God? Were you THANKFUL TO ME? Did you prefer SIN or did you LOVE ME?

One day when we die or meet God face to face, He will judge us according to WHAT WE HAVE BEEN GIVEN.

If we have MORE, the REQUIREMENT to fulfill is MORE! Remember that.

Luke 12:48 says:

But someone who does not know, and then does something wrong, will be punished only lightly. When someone has been given much, much will be required in return; and when someone has been entrusted with much, even more will be required.

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